Thursday, February 9, 2012

Motherhood: From a Daughter's Point of View

          I dream of being a mom...scratch that...I  dream of being the BESTEST mom. Some may say  that being a mother is the hardest job of all. But I guess, being in that position is not considered as a job and is not hard at all,most especially if you really embrace the essence of being a mother, dedicate your life to being a "perfect" one, and embracing the joy that only motherhood has to offer.   It is a beautiful blessing, a wonderful experience that only us women could experience.

          Yes I know, being a mom is not only about taking care of babies, but carrying that baby with you for 9 months. But isn't that wonderful? God has  given you much time to bond with your child, a bond which should continually grow and increase for a lifetime. I often picture myself going to the doctor, hands tightly locked with my husband, totally excited to have a glimpse of our baby through ultrasound and learning more about his/her growth. I always imagine myself and my partner having a good time buying baby clothes, talking about possible names for our baby, and talking with our baby growing in my womb. I see these, and other "motherhood preparation activities", as something special,special experiences to be treasured and never to be wasted.
          (This is one thing I totally love to think about)

          And of course, the right time would come for this baby to have his/her first look of the new world he/she would grow into. Most, if not all mothers would again say that giving birth is the most solid form of pain, the pain of all pain, the agony of all agonies. I as well would suffer that pain,but why not  endure,cherish and appreciate that moment of being able to go through it. Being strong and ignoring the pain to bear a child is a great sign of how much you love your child. Described as being the hardest form of pain, then I guess it's right for me to say that mothers who do not complain much about labor pains are willing to suffer and  go through all torments with her child, without complaining too much of how difficult it is to raise a child, without fussing about the sleepless nights they need to cope up to, without whimpering and whining about how ugly they look. But who cares? There is no need to trade being up all night singing a lullaby to your child to having enough sleep to stay attractive. There are tons of solutions to regain beauty, whereas lost time would never be regained.

          With all these in mind, it makes me more excited to be the best  mom I could be in the future, to be my childrens' ultimate best friend, to be their first teacher, to hug and kiss them anytime from their birth until they grow old, to cry with them when they feel sad, to listen to their heart breaks and tell them mine, to sleep with them even if they're grown ups already, to have good laughs with them, to scold them when I have to but embrace them afterwards, to tell them how to live life, to tell them how blessed I am to have them in my life,  and most of all to tell them I LOVE YOU every single day. I promise to be the best mom to the point that my child would complain about me being so uber good :p

*More motherhood thoughts/updates on the upcoming blogs*

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